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FoodGel™ Carrageenina

La gama de productos FoodGel es capaz de formar gel en sistemas de agua o proteínas, brindando una alta resistencia del gel™ y control de la sinéresis, proporcionando consistencia y estabilidad a los productos finales, como productos cárnicos, lácteos, pudín, etc.

FoodGel™ Carrageenina

  • carragenina foodmate
    FoodGel™ Каррагинан
  • Gel™ Alimentario M4007
    FoodGel™ Carragenina M4007
  • gomoso
    FoodGel™ Carragenina SC Series
  • FoodGel™ Carragenina J2310
  • carragenina foodmate
    FoodGel™ Carrageenina
  • carragenina foodmate
    FoodGel™ Carragenina M101
  • carragenina foodmate
    FoodGel™ Carragenina M201

Foodmate has been a pioneer manufacturer of various nutrition and health centric products.  We have put immense effort in the research and development of the Foodgel™ Carrageenan and we aim to improve our products and diversify the range of our versatile offerings.


International Quality Certified Foodgel™ Carrageenan


FoodGel™ product range is capable of creating gel in water and different protein systems, offering syneresis control and high gel strength to provide consistency and stability to the end products including dairy items and various kinds of meat.


What is Carrageenan?


Carrageenan can be described as a Nature Polysaccharides hydrocolloid that is usually found in the foundations of different red seaweed. They are known to be carbohydrates that are capable of creating different kinds of solutions and gels in a wide range of water solutions.


The main usage of the Carrageenan can be found in the biological applications, food industry, textile industry and different sorts of painting solutions. The gel it creates is highly heat-reversible which might cause it to dissolve in different scenarios when in contact with heat. The Carrageenan is known to be steady in nature even if it doesn’t affect the viscosity and strength for long-term applications. The elasticity of the gel formed by the Carrageenan can be increased by combining it with Konjac, Locust Bean Gum and Xanthan gum.


Applications of the Carrageenan



FoodGel™ uses carrageenan extracted from natural seaweed which forms an even gel with meat protein. It creates an extensive network structure when heated to retain water and reduce meat juice loss in the final products, moreover, this network structure gives meat products great elasticity. Besides, carrageenan prevents the loss of salt-soluble myosin and actin, inhibits the dissolution and volatilization of umami components, limiting the water activity of meat products which prolongs the shelf life of the meat products.


Pet Food

The extraction of the carrageenan is done by the highest quality seaweed making it an ideal choice to be used in different pet feeds including cats. It can be described as a natural food additive that increases the portion of protein in a pet centric meal. The seaweed-based product is also capable of retaining the elasticity of the pet food that might get affected through moisture or humidity. It preserves the nutritional value of the pet food without compromising the taste.


Ice Cream

Carrageenan is highly effective when it comes to increasing the melting time of different ice creams. The elasticity is provided by the mixing of different gums with the Carrageenan solution. The amount of protein can also be enhanced by bringing together different food additives along with the Carrageenan.


Cheese Processing

The use of Carrageenan in the manufacturing process of different kinds of processed cheese is vital as it provides it the required elasticity and cheese pull. It maintains the texture and structure of the cheese and allows it to be stored for a long period. The FoodGel™ is also ideal to preserve the nutritional value of the cheese which is required to be maintained in different food produces.


Soft Candy Texture

The role of FoodGel™ is vital when it comes to the development of texture in different soft candies. The gel offers candy manufacturers an easy way to maintain the elasticity and chewiness in their products. The candies in which FoodGel™ is used are not easy to be melted by the increase in temperature and can be stored for a long period without comprising on the taste of the candy.

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